Spider Veins
Spider veins, also known as telangiectasia, are tiny purple to red blood vessels located just under the skin. They can be quite visible and can be found anywhere on the body, most commonly on the legs, ankles and face. Spider veins are progressive and may increase in number and visibility with age. Unlike varicose veins, they are not large or lumpy and do not cause pain.
Improved Appearance
The most common method of treatment for spider veins is Sclerotherapy. It involves injection of a Sclerosing agent into the veins, which causes them to scar down and become less noticeable. Another effective treatment is the use of a laser. With spider veins, more than one treatment is often required, as not all the veins will respond to the initial treatment. Because the condition is progressive, new veins will develop over time, which may require maintenance treatment every few years. A consultation with Dr. Turner and his staff will ensure you achieve the best results possible.